Sunday, May 24, 2009

You will find that everybody is good if you take time to get to know them

One of my life motto is “You will find that everybody is good if you take time to get to know them”

Many people intend to build a wall around them and put a mask on their faces so you wouldn’t know what’s inside there heart. Some of the people were traumatized when they were children or had a great shock in the past and that reflects in the actions you take in the future. Some people may look, and be very aggressive and mean but one of the reasons they are the way they are is that deep inside of them they hide something painful. Usually people around them don’t try to understand them, instead they criticize and that irritates and builds even higher walls. Instead if you try to understand how things work, and if you try to understand a person no matter who they are (even the worst criminal that’s behind bars) you will realize that there is something good in them, and something that all the human kind could use.


  1. You are absolutely right, sometimes we have to sit and listen to people, not just critize them. I admit sometimes I jump to conclusions about people around me. If I do not have a good opinion about a person near me, I greatly enjoy when I realize that I was wrong.

  2. I'm with you on this one. I agree to the fact that some/most/maybe all people wear some kind of masks to hide their weaknesses, fears, loneliness...We desperately want something better. But what we long for won't come by putting a new name on old attitudes. Everyone has a spark of goodness in them, but it's one thing to say they have it, and another thing to show it. Maybe some don't show it, because of the too much criticism they got, or maybe they are afraid that others will take advantage of it. In one way or another, maybe we are responsible on how others do or don't show their "good" part. Perhaps we should treat others the way we want them to treat us. Seeking to fulfill their emotional, physical and spiritual needs. We can inspire others even through our not inspire them in something positive?


  3. People all around will always be selfish..because almost everyone tries to find his happiness regardless what happens in this world and with it's people. To take time and discover that humankind was not intended for evil, selfishness or that there is a seed of goodness in it? And that this seed could be stuck somewhere between a man's heart and his' traumas or past experiences(deceit, disregard, the walls he built)?

    It's a SACRIFICE. It cost time, energy, the will to do it. That is why people usually avoid it and carry on with their sad little lives and criticize on and on. That's why life gets worse and everyone keeps building those walls you where talking about...

    But thank God there are some who care, who are willing to sacrifice. I thank God everyday for the hope that he gives me and the strength to carry on doing what for the most would be a sacrifice or just a waste of time - caring to find that seed of goodness in people.

  4. I think you're not totally right here. Being good can mean a lot and not that much at the same time. You can be good by sharing a bottle of water with your friend and you can be good by jumping in front of a car to save the life of a stranger. Those are 2 very different things. You can't say for example that even criminals are good just because if you sit and talk to them they're nice to you and they don't use foul language or they tell you they love their family and friends. They still did something very wrong like committing a murder or a rape. That makes them bad. You friend is not good just beacuse he helps YOU and acts nice to YOU. While he is good to you, he might be a total asshole to other people, especially to the ones he dislikes.

    What I'm trying to say is that "good" means a lot so you can't say that someone is good as an overall conclusion, as you said in your motto. Everybody has moments when they are good in a specific manner, but that does not make them truly good. We choose to do the things we do, it's called free will, your choices define your character and not everyone makes good choices, thus not everybody is good.

    P.S. when i say "choices" i don't mean what school you choose to go to, i mean if you choose to lie, offend, hurt, break the law, etc.

    Daca nu iei 10 la engleza inseamna ca am dat comment degeaba? :))


  5. I am sorry, but I almost completely disagree with you.

    Of course it is true that a lot of persons seem "bad" or behave in a strange way because they have had a extremelly hard life.

    "But some men just want to watch the world burn". This quote it is not mine, it´s from "The Dark Knight" (maybe a superhero film, but also a extremely philosophical one, watch it if you haven´t yet!).

    Do you really think that Osama bin Landen decided to kill thousands of persons in the 11-S just because nobody understood him? Because of his education? Are you sure that when you watch the TV and see that three boys murdered, raped and finally burned the body of a 15-year-old girl, they did it just because they had a trauma during the childhood?

    In my opinion, the answer is no. Not everybody is good, in the same way not everybody is intelligent, upright or good at sports. I am not saying that "bad people" are 100% evil, but goodness in their hearts is almost nonexistent. Think about it.

    P.D. Nice blog!

  6. And I completely agree with Radu!
