Thursday, April 23, 2009

Does anyone really care about you, or is it all about selfish ambitions?

You may or may not agree on this, but my opinion is that everything in this life, every relationship, every action, every decision you take is a selfish one. Every friend that you have is a selfish one, and you yourself are a selfish person. Now just think, when was the last time you opened a door for some lady, or when was the last time you gave your seat on the buss to some old lady, or when was the last time some friend of yours used your shoulder as a napkin because he was crying so hard. All the things written above happened at a certain time, but the real reason they happened was not because of them (the persons involved in the action) but because of you. You knew deep inside of you that by giving your shoulder to your friend, the result would bind you together and when you will need someone close to talk to, he or she will be always be there. And let’s say you did not know that deep down, this is who you are, you think you love everyone in this way. You are the jumpy type of person that will help everybody and afterward, give a free hug. Imagine this scene: you go downtown and there’s a poor beggar on the street. You feel pity for him and you give him money.” You are doing all of this for yourself, you are doing this to feel better after giving him money, you are doing this because you will have a smile on your face afterward, you are doing this because you will have a joy in your heart, that you helped the poor kid. But it’s YOUR joy, it’s YOUR selfish joy, not his, because when he goes home his mom will beat him up and take all his money.

All your close friends, are your friends because they have a selfish ambition, they want someone to listen to them when they have a problem. You have something they are looking for, and, likewise, they have something you are looking for as well. You know that after giving someone a hand, that hand will return to you, don’t ya? When you get married and you say…. Oooh, I love you so much, I will do everything for you, bla bla bla.. why are you doing that? You are doing that because the other person is doing the same thing, you would never give someone that much love without expecting something from that person. You don’t give away love just like that so easily. Everything is just for you. You are doing everything for yourself. You WANT to be loved and that’s WHY you love. You want to be taken care of, and that’s why you take care of others. It’s all about YOU in this world.



  1. yes you are so right, where do u get your text's? do you copy paste them from the internet or you make them yourself?

  2. In some points you are right, we are selfish...but.....when you cry like the heaven is broken , because someone dear to you is no longer...i'm wondering, is this selfish? When you give your last money to someone, because you think he can use it better than you, is this selfish? But I and let the others die, is the slogan of our days(But not for everyone)!!!What i'm tryng to say is that: we are selfish because we are trained from childhood to be selfish, and we concentrate on that aspect in our life and we don't see the other characteristics in other's peoples live, like: compasion, love, care for others...but head up....people like that exist, they are not a myth:)

  3. Thank you, i write them myself.

  4. I don't agree with you only let's say 50%.In fact we are selfish persons but we can make us better persons well that only God can do!And we all have friends and yes we are listening to them when they have problems but a real friend is when that person is with you all the time in joy and in pain!And in marriage you can be selfish I totally agree with you but that is not marriage.Is not love its more like when you feel deep inside alone and you just wanna have company next to you that's out of loneliness or just to have one!the real love is not like that!but coming back to our subject why are we selfish?why all the time we expect something in return?becuase we don't like how we are and always when we wait for something in return is because we want to change inside.we are selfish because we think we deserve much better than the rest of people!but do we deserve anything?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. When you have learnt that it is greater happiness in giving than in receiving and in offereing without expecting something in return, then you may understand what real altruism and unconditioned love means.

  7. I think that you have a strange and distorting view of what actually is a symbiosis: if you feel better by listening to a friend or by saying to your girlfriend: "I love you", it´s true that maybe you are being selfish in some way, but the other one will feel better as well thanks to your actions or decisions. In fact, not only humans, but all the living beings of the planet practise symbiosis. It is the only way that we have to survive (in all the senses of the word "survive").

    I also think that in some cases, some people can act against his own interests because of doing the right thing. Imagine this situation: "You and a friend have an argument. You are right and you find that your friend is an asshole, but the common friends decide to support him and they leave you completely alone, so you begin to hate your friend. Days later, your ex-friend is being accused of doing something "bad" and if nobody helps him, he will be in a serious trouble. You know that he did not do it. What would you do?"

    - If you don´t do anything, you´ll haver your... called it revenge. Your are happy and "time puts each of us in our place" as people say.

    - If you defend him because it´s the right thing, you won´t be happier because you think that he deserves to "suffer". But you prefered to do the rigth thing just because is correct. Selfish ambitions: 0.

    Think about it!
